More amusing notes about today's game: we met some Scottish guys who had brought an American flag to the game to take a picture, part of a scavenger hunt for their Fourth of July party tomorrow. (Why are they having a Fourth of July party? No clue. Perhaps it involves sticking it to England.) They apparently have to find/photograph something to represent each of the 50 states as part of the hunt. Some are easy, like nutmeg for Connecticut. Others are slightly harder - like, say, North Dakota.
We pitched in, of course. We had met a girl from Missouri who let them photograph her driver's license, and I offered a ticket stub from a screening of the X-Files movie from when I visited my sister in Georgia, and we did an O-H-I-O cheer for my beloved home state (v. appropriate for a football game!)
Some hot photographs of today's game action (photographs shamelessly stolen from friend Grant's Facebook album):

A pretty good crowd, considering the game was up against the Germany-Argentina World Cup Semifinal:

Heck yeah!

If you're in town, join us next week! And as always, LET'S GO WOLVES!
Don't forget--the Scottish guys also had us sign their flag!